Bowraville Theatre

Contact Person: Not KNown
Street: 74 High Street
Postcode: 2449
Suburb: Bowraville
Country: Australia
Phone: 02 6564 7808
Number of Screens: 1

The latest news from Bowranville. Feb. 2015. We got this note today.


" Here at the Bowraville Arts Council we have finally succeeded in obtaining a grant to buy and install new H.D. equipment.

The committee  has been in negotiation with Newcastle Sound  to supply and install.   At the moment it looks as though work will commence at the end of this month.  Hallelulah!!!

We are now embarked on a new learning curve  but hope to have a celebratory opening  before too long. No definite date yet though.

For myself I would like to thank you for the interest and help you have extended to us in the past and hope that we will continue to be good friends.  "

Past notes. It has been seveal years now that this lovely theatre has been pretty much out of action as far as movies are concerned, though they've had many great live shows in recent times.

The problem has been the lack of a digital projector.  These days, without one of these expensive beasts, you are not in the game. They had been slated to get one through a government grant, but the government changed and the grant was cancelled.

Today, December 22, 2014, I was delighted to find out that a second grant for $40,000 from the State government has been secured, and they feel confident they will be able to go digital with that money.

This is such great news because Bowraville is one of the most beautiful theatres in New South Wales, and for years it was the  happy host to the travelling film Festival, that is till digital. the lack thereof,  caught up with them.

So, well done,  Bowraville. I hope to be there on the first night to record your opening in the digital era. Now, all you need is an illustrious patron to draw public attention to your charms. Why not approach that great Australian actor, Brian Brown?  He has a place in your area,  does he not?

So, if you go by this charming cinema in its equally charming historic town, say hi, from Cinema tourista,  aand check whether they've got that projector yet.

Like most of the cinemas on these pages, Bowraville has a colorful history, some parts of which are dark.  In the 50s and 60s and even 70s,  it operated as a racially devided business.

Aboriginals had to not only buy their tickets separately, but nter the Theatre by a separate side entrance, occupying  inferior seating below an interior partition. This,  they had to do this after the program had begun. Totally degrading!

As well has having to throw off segregation,  Boraville cinema went through several changes over  the of years until it eventually fell into virtual ruin.

Luckily, some community minded locals, many  in various fields of the arts, saw the need for a live performance venue in the Town. Starting in 2000, they  built awareness in the community and a public meeting was held in the foyer of the Theatre.

Over 100 people attended a meeting, dedicated to  saving the Theatre. They voted unanimously to form a group with the aim of restoring the Theatre and providing a venue for cultural activities.

From this meeting, the Bowraville Arts Council was established. One of its first projects was to set up a cinema task force to plan to purchase and restore the cinema. The building was purchased, in the name of the Nambucca Shire Council, in October 2001, and restoration plans began.

Since that time,  the Bowraville Arts Council members have raised around $ 650,000. This includes grant from the Commonwealth, State and Local Governments, plus fundraising, from social events, shows, raffles and the like.

On Friday 29 August 2003, the Bowraville Theatre re-opened its doors. The indigenous community held a smoking ceremony and performed a welcome dance. It was an event celebrated by the whole town and since then, the Theatre has been the venue for a remarkable variety of film and stage performances.

Location Map:
Located in: New South Wales