Lake Cinema Boolaroo

Contact Person: Lake Cinema Boolaroo
Street: 62 Main Road
Postcode: 2284
Suburb: Boolaroo
Country: Australia
Phone: 0249585810
Opening Times:
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
Number of Screens: 1
Session times: Lake Cinema

The Lake Cinema, at the top of Lake Macquarie in the town of Boolaro,  is run by the very friendly Bob Mason. Bob gives his older audience the films they want to see and at a price which is amazingly reasonable, namely seven dollars a ticket for everyone. I was delighted the Saturday that I was there, to see that the 2 PM matinee was sold out.It is very encouraging for those of us who believe that such cinemas are a vital part of the community, to see the Lake Cinema doing so well. It must be added that its weekend cinema. Outside of holidays it only runs Friday, Saturday and Sunday. But it's well worth visiting to say hi to Bob and soak up its unique charm.


Location Map:
Located in: New South Wales